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How can I cancel the plan?
From website:
  • 1. Login to your Nomesigue account on the website (
  • 2. Click on the gear icon at the bottom left. Then click on "my account"
  • 3. Click on the Unsubscribe Button under your plan.
  • 4. If you had paid using your Credit/Debit Card (Stripe), your plan will be Cancelled immediately.

From App
  • 1. Start Nomesigue App
  • 2. Tap on Profile icon at the bottom right
  • 3. Tap on ⚙
  • 4. Select Current Plan
  • 5. Tap on ▾
  • 6. Select Cancel Plan.
  • 7. Your plan will be cancelled inmediately.
Note: You can continue using your cancelled plan till the end of the current subscription period. For eg - If you had subscribed to a monthly plan on 1st April and cancelled it on 18th April, even after cancellation, your plan will remain active till the 30th of April and then expire.